What’s your refund/exchange policy?

Items purchased on Giftable Wisdom are Print-On-Demand products which means until you buy them, they don’t exist. We print them based on your order and send them out. We are not able to provide returns unless you received a wrong or defective item. If your item is damaged, please Contact Us so we can assist. Please include your order number and a photo of the item.


Return Policy

We want you to be happy with your Giftable Wisdom purchase! If you're not completely satisfied, here's what you need to know:

Defective or Damaged Items

  • Please note that all 'Print-On-Demand' products will vary due to customization, manufacturing processes, material variability and will have some acceptable margin of error. Print designs, colors, opacity, text fringing, dimensions/scale, imagery, will vary slightly compared to what you may see on the advertised product on your screen due to product material and printing limitations. Replacements or refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
  • If your item arrives damaged, misprinted, or defective, please contact us within 14 days of delivery with clear photos of the issue.

Change of Mind

  • Since our 'Print-On-Demand' products are made to order, we cannot offer returns or exchanges simply for a change of mind (e.g., wrong size, color, or design chosen).
  • Please carefully review your order, including our sizing guides, before placing it.

How to Initiate a Return:

  1. Contact our customer support at the Contact Us page with your order number and reason for return.
  2. If approved, we'll provide following instructions on how to proceed.